You're probably wondering what happened to my positive energy, but too bad, everyone has to vent sometimes.
So, for all you haughty taughty men, ages 21-35, wearing pinstriped pants, ties, jackets, with hair looking 100% better than mine... piss off.
You might think you're sweet holding the door, but you can't fool me with sly comments to your buddies, or blatant stares at my ass, and the ass of the woman infront of me, and the one infront of her........
You know who you are. The chumps who hang at Jose Macyntire's and Kitty Osheas at 5:15 on Fridays. Throwing back delictable brews, like Bud Light and Labatts. Chomping down buffalo wings, with chunky blue cheese dripping off the side.
Men like you think your extra special because State Street Financial made you a pretty, little package with a 401K.